2.Bundesliga 3 - was für eine schöne liga
so jetz müßten alle ergebnisse stimmen:
Spieltag: 3 - 02.04.2008 18:00:00
FC Hude - Fenerbahce1907 3 : 0
42. FC Illuminati - Hurrican Selm 5 : 0
horrorkick - F.C. Barcelona 1 : 3
FC Neunkirchen Gheddo - 1.FC Allst@rs 4 : 0
Ninja Storm - SV Werder Leer 3 : 0
1FC. C.Ronaldo - Tomsenpöler 2 : 0
FC Turbine Humboldstraße - SV Obersäckingen 2 : 1
1.FC Nuthetal - comanders wersten 3 : 0
Concordia Reinickendorf - 1.Fc Kammer 2 : 0Zuletzt geändert von Seereu[baer]; 02.04.2008, 18:32.
der 4. spieltag zum tippen
SV Werder Leer - FC Hude - : -
42. FC Illuminati - 1.FC Nuthetal - : -
Tomsenpöler - Ninja Storm - : -
Hurrican Selm - Fenerbahce1907 - : -
F.C. Barcelona - FC Neunkirchen Gheddo - : -
SV Obersäckingen - 1FC. C.Ronaldo - : -
1.FC Allst@rs - Concordia Reinickendorf - : -
1.Fc Kammer - FC Turbine Humboldstraße - : -
comanders wersten - horrorkick - : -
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
SV Werder Leer - FC Hude 0 : 3
42. FC Illuminati - 1.FC Nuthetal ? - ?
Tomsenpöler - Ninja Storm 0 : 4
Hurrican Selm - Fenerbahce1907 0 : 0
F.C. Barcelona - FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 1 : 2
SV Obersäckingen - 1FC. C.Ronaldo 0 : 2
1.FC Allst@rs - Concordia Reinickendorf 1 : 2
1.Fc Kammer - FC Turbine Humboldstraße 2 : 0
comanders wersten - horrorkick 1 : 0Zuletzt geändert von Seereu[baer]; 03.04.2008, 11:05.
Zitat von Seereu[baer] Beitrag anzeigen<div id="post_message_200026">der 4. spieltag zum tippen<br>
<b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=663" target="_blank">SV Werder Leer</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=63" target="_blank">FC Hude</a></b> - : - <b><br>
<a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=754" target="_blank">42. FC Illuminati</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=12672" target="_blank">1.FC Nuthetal</a></b> - : - <br>
<b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=1107" target="_blank">Tomsenpöler</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=2685" target="_blank">Ninja Storm</a></b> - : - <b><br>
<a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=1808" target="_blank">Hurrican Selm</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=349" target="_blank">Fenerbahce1907</a></b> - : - <b><br>
<a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=3164" target="_blank">F.C. Barcelona</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=1753" target="_blank">FC Neunkirchen Gheddo</a></b> - : - <br>
<b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=18891" target="_blank">SV Obersäckingen</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=10039" target="_blank">1FC. C.Ronaldo</a></b> - : - <b><br>
<a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=31345" target="_blank">1.FC Allst@rs</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=15561" target="_blank">Concordia Reinickendorf</a></b> - : - <b><br>
<a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=37000" target="_blank">1.Fc Kammer</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=10968" target="_blank">FC Turbine Humboldstraße</a></b> - : - <b><br>
<a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=38066" target="_blank">comanders wersten</a></b> - <b><a href="http://fcup2.gamed.de/index.php?w=301&area=user&module=profile&a mp;action=show&clubId=928" target="_blank">horrorkick</a></b> - : -</div>
Meine Tipps!
SV Werder Leer - FC Hude:
42. FC Illuminati - 1.FC Nuthetal 2 : 2
Tomsenpöler - Ninja Storm 1 : 3
Hurrican Selm - Fenerbahce1907 1 : 0
F.C. Barcelona - FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 2 : 2
SV Obersäckingen - 1FC. C.Ronaldo 0 : 3
1.FC Allst@rs - Concordia Reinickendorf 2 : 2
1.Fc Kammer - FC Turbine Humboldstraße 1 : 4
comanders wersten - horrorkick 2 : 1
Meine Tipps!
SV Werder Leer - FC Hude 0 : 4
42. FC Illuminati - 1.FC Nuthetal 2 : 0
Tomsenpöler - Ninja Storm 0 : 3
Hurrican Selm - Fenerbahce1907 1 : 1
F.C. Barcelona - FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 1 : 1
SV Obersäckingen - 1FC. C.Ronaldo X : X
1.FC Allst@rs - Concordia Reinickendorf 1 : 2
1.Fc Kammer - FC Turbine Humboldstraße 1 : 3
comanders wersten - horrorkick 1 : 1
viel glück allen heute abend!
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
SV Werder Leer - FC Hude 1 : 4
42. FC Illuminati - 1.FC Nuthetal 2 : 1
Tomsenpöler - Ninja Storm 0 : 6
Hurrican Selm - Fenerbahce1907 1 : 2
F.C. Barcelona - FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 1 : 3
SV Obersäckingen - 1FC. C.Ronaldo 1 : 2
1.FC Allst@rs - Concordia Reinickendorf 1 : 2
1.Fc Kammer - FC Turbine Humboldstraße 2 : 3
comanders wersten - horrorkick 2 : 1
Zitat von Seereu[baer] Beitrag anzeigenhabe grad festgestellt das im Vergleich zu Ligabeginn meine Mannschaftsstärke schon um 500 Punkte abgenommen hat, hoffentlich geht das nicht so weiter
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
Zitat von LarsK Beitrag anzeigenMeine Tipps!
SV Werder Leer - FC Hude:
42. FC Illuminati - 1.FC Nuthetal 2 : 2
Tomsenpöler - Ninja Storm 1 : 3
Hurrican Selm - Fenerbahce1907 1 : 0
F.C. Barcelona - FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 2 : 2
SV Obersäckingen - 1FC. C.Ronaldo 0 : 3
1.FC Allst@rs - Concordia Reinickendorf 2 : 2
1.Fc Kammer - FC Turbine Humboldstraße 1 : 4
comanders wersten - horrorkick 2 : 1
hab 3-0 gewonnen
mach ma die nächsten spiele auch so, vllt gehts dann auch so aus^^
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
hier die Ergebnisse des 4. Spieltages:
Spieltag: 4 - 03.04.2008 18:00:00
SV Werder Leer - FC Hude 0 : 4
42. FC Illuminati - 1.FC Nuthetal 1 : 2
Tomsenpöler - Ninja Storm 0 : 5
Hurrican Selm - Fenerbahce1907 0 : 1
F.C. Barcelona - FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 0 : 5
SV Obersäckingen - 1FC. C.Ronaldo 0 : 3
1.FC Allst@rs - Concordia Reinickendorf 2 : 2
1.Fc Kammer - FC Turbine Humboldstraße 0 : 4
comanders wersten - horrorkick 1 : 0Zuletzt geändert von Seereu[baer]; 04.04.2008, 11:44.
Mein Tipp des 5. Spieltages:
FC Hude - Tomsenpöler 3 : 0
Fenerbahce1907 - SV Werder Leer 1 : 0
horrorkick - 42. FC Illuminati * : *
FC Neunkirchen Gheddo - comanders wersten 3 : 0
Ninja Storm - SV Obersäckingen 2 : 0
1FC. C.Ronaldo - 1.Fc Kammer 2 : 0
FC Turbine Humboldstraße - 1.FC Allst@rs 2 : 1
1.FC Nuthetal - Hurrican Selm 4 : 0
Concordia Reinickendorf - F.C. Barcelona 1 : 3Zuletzt geändert von Seereu[baer]; 04.04.2008, 15:03.
4-0 ggn 1.fc kammer gewonnen
doppelpack vom hoeneß^^
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
und die aktuellen Ergebnisse
Spieltag: 5 - 04.04.2008
FC Hude - Tomsenpöler 3 : 0
Fenerbahce1907 - SV Werder Leer 0 : 4
horrorkick - 42. FC Illuminati 0 : 1
FC Neunkirchen Gheddo - comanders wersten 2 : 0
Ninja Storm - SV Obersäckingen 3 : 0
1FC. C.Ronaldo - 1.Fc Kammer 4 : 0
FC Turbine Humboldstraße - 1.FC Allst@rs 0 : 1
1.FC Nuthetal - Hurrican Selm 2 : 0
Concordia Reinickendorf - F.C. Barcelona 1 : 2Zuletzt geändert von Seereu[baer]; 04.04.2008, 20:21.
Schnell Tippen
42. FC Illuminati FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 1 : 3
Tomsenpöler Fenerbahce1907 0 : 2
Hurrican Selm SV Werder Leer 1 : 1
F.C. Barcelona FC Turbine Humboldstraße 2 : 2
1.FC Nuthetal horrorkick 3 : 0
SV Obersäckingen FC Hude:
1.FC Allst@rs 1FC. C.Ronaldo 8 : 0 (wird 'nen enges Ding)
1.Fc Kammer Ninja Storm 1 : 4
comanders wersten Concordia Reinickendorf 2 : 3
hier mein tipp
42. FC Illuminati FC Neunkirchen Gheddo
Tomsenpöler Fenerbahce1907 0 : 1
Hurrican Selm SV Werder Leer 0 : 1
F.C. Barcelona FC Turbine Humboldstraße 2 : 1
1.FC Nuthetal horrorkick 2 : 0
SV Obersäckingen FC Hude 0 :3
1.FC Allst@rs 1FC. C.Ronaldo 1 : 3
1.Fc Kammer Ninja Storm 0 : 3
comanders wersten Concordia Reinickendorf 1 : 2
Zitat von LarsK Beitrag anzeigenSchnell Tippen
42. FC Illuminati FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 1 : 3
Tomsenpöler Fenerbahce1907 0 : 2
Hurrican Selm SV Werder Leer 1 : 1
F.C. Barcelona FC Turbine Humboldstraße 2 : 2
1.FC Nuthetal horrorkick 3 : 0
SV Obersäckingen FC Hude:
1.FC Allst@rs 1FC. C.Ronaldo 8 : 0 (wird 'nen enges Ding)
1.Fc Kammer Ninja Storm 1 : 4
comanders wersten Concordia Reinickendorf 2 : 3
meine :P
42. FC Illuminati FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 1 : 2
Tomsenpöler Fenerbahce1907 0 : 3
Hurrican Selm SV Werder Leer 2 : 1
F.C. Barcelona FC Turbine Humboldstraße 3 : 1
1.FC Nuthetal horrorkick 3 : 0
SV Obersäckingen FC Hude 0 : 3
1.FC Allst@rs 1FC. C.Ronaldo X : X
1.Fc Kammer Ninja Storm 0 : 5
comanders wersten Concordia Reinickendorf 1 : 3
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
Zitat von LarsK Beitrag anzeigenSchnell Tippen
42. FC Illuminati FC Neunkirchen Gheddo 1 : 3
Tomsenpöler Fenerbahce1907 0 : 2
Hurrican Selm SV Werder Leer 1 : 1
F.C. Barcelona FC Turbine Humboldstraße 2 : 2
1.FC Nuthetal horrorkick 3 : 0
SV Obersäckingen FC Hude:
1.FC Allst@rs 1FC. C.Ronaldo 8 : 0 (wird 'nen enges Ding)
1.Fc Kammer Ninja Storm 1 : 4
comanders wersten Concordia Reinickendorf 2 : 3
Zitat von LarsK Beitrag anzeigenSV Obersäckingen - FC Hude 0 : 3
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs