“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
soweit ich weiß ja, aber es wird die zeit kommen, da besteigt der meister seinen thron
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
ich glaube das konzept der spielberechnung haben sie noch ein klein wenig verfehlt, da ich denke, dass einfach nur mehr tore fallen sollen und die stärkere mannschaft nicht so einen großen prozentsatz auf sieg hat
während die stärkere mannschaft bei der alten spielberechnung gegen schwächere eine 90% siegchance hatte, dann wird diese vllt auf 80%, 75% oder 60% gesenkt
aber mal gucken was noch so kommt
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
ich glaube das konzept der spielberechnung haben sie noch ein klein wenig verfehlt, da ich denke, dass einfach nur mehr tore fallen sollen und die stärkere mannschaft nicht so einen großen prozentsatz auf sieg hat
während die stärkere mannschaft bei der alten spielberechnung gegen schwächere eine 90% siegchance hatte, dann wird diese vllt auf 80%, 75% oder 60% gesenkt
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs