“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
alles schön schön schöööön.. (je öfter ich es mir sage desto eher glaub ich das ) aber nachdem na nun bildtechnisch national sowie international die vereien abgegrast worden sind, fehlt mir aber noch ein berühmter norddeutscher club der auf Tabellenplatz 4 der Bundesliga überwintert.. Hab noch kein Bild gesehen *nochmal brille zurecht rück*
Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2012 - Holt Euch den Pott !
Und alle die hochmütig sind und nicht bereit sind sich zu fügen, werden gebrochen und zu Staub zerfallen.
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
alles schön schön schöööön.. (je öfter ich es mir sage desto eher glaub ich das ) aber nachdem na nun bildtechnisch national sowie international die vereien abgegrast worden sind, fehlt mir aber noch ein berühmter norddeutscher club der auf Tabellenplatz 4 der Bundesliga überwintert.. Hab noch kein Bild gesehen *nochmal brille zurecht rück*
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
alles schön schön schöööön.. (je öfter ich es mir sage desto eher glaub ich das ) aber nachdem na nun bildtechnisch national sowie international die vereien abgegrast worden sind, fehlt mir aber noch ein berühmter norddeutscher club der auf Tabellenplatz 4 der Bundesliga überwintert.. Hab noch kein Bild gesehen *nochmal brille zurecht rück*
Bentley, unh
Em came 'n gotta n***a fresh out the, slum
Automatic, gun
F*** 'em one-on-one
We wrap up ya punk ass, stunt 'n ya done
Homie, it's Game time
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
Komm mit mir wir fliegen übers Land, machs dir bequem aber schnall dich bitte vorher an.Ich gebe Gas und ich zeig dir die Welt, soweits dir gefällt und du strahlst, du scheinst wie die Felgen;boah...(Kool Savas "Komm mit mir")
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
hab die eig nur gemacht, weil das Thema im SG forum für die sig der woche "deutsche spieler im ausland" war
naja, ich bin da eh chancenlos^^
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs