So, wer bisschen Werbung für sein(e) Fotoalbum(-en) machen will, kann dies hier tun. Meine Fotoalben
Zuletzt geändert von dr.oktavius; 26.10.2008, 00:53.
Komm mit mir wir fliegen übers Land, machs dir bequem aber schnall dich bitte vorher an.Ich gebe Gas und ich zeig dir die Welt, soweits dir gefällt und du strahlst, du scheinst wie die Felgen;boah...(Kool Savas "Komm mit mir")
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
ach so hab nur gedacht
haben sich ja anfang ja so lustig runtergemacht wär älterwär
un bei soldesc2 steht im profil das er halt 21 ist
was aber auch nicht stimmen muss
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs
“Like Best, Cristiano was a very brave player. He went from being a fantastic winger and dribbler to being an unbelievable goalscorer as well.
Right foot, left foot, free-kicks, penalties, headers… he can score all types of goals. He really is the all-round package.” - Ryan Giggs