I've started playing again after a while. I do not have enough money to put together a nice selection at the moment to get up.
At Footballcup in the Netherlands we could rent players from each other.
If someone is interested in renting players, I'd love to hear that. My trainer is at the highest level (10).
Other ways of help are also welcome!
Please contact us for a private message on footballcup.
I would like to hear from you!
I've started playing again after a while. I do not have enough money to put together a nice selection at the moment to get up.
At Footballcup in the Netherlands we could rent players from each other.
If someone is interested in renting players, I'd love to hear that. My trainer is at the highest level (10).
Other ways of help are also welcome!
Please contact us for a private message on footballcup.
I would like to hear from you!