Nice cross from Nelsen.The ball has landed at the opponent.
Wide cross from Newman.this could get dangerous...but the precision was missing.
Morrison gets in Beattie way.Watt with a hard attack against Wiles, but the referee seems to be blind like a bat.
Pass from Woodthorpe.Great shot from a great distance by Nelsen.That was a close thing on the left post. A miss is as good as a mile.
Woodthorpe accepts the duel with Downes.Great shot from a great distance by Woodthorpe.But this ball was surely for the ball boy.
Arber knows how to include himself well.Fairly cleared by McKenna and Beattie is going to perform the corner .And out of nowhere pops out Newman.The ball has landed at the opponent.
Tough duel between Beattie and Morrison.Through pass to Beattie, the defense let him go. he's shooting.Beattie manages to get the ball to the goal somehow. And Gutta lying on the floor can only watch how the ball crosses the goal line.
Evans blocks McKinley and tries to stop him.Wide cross from Wiles.This ball can't seem to find its way into the goal, or to a player for that matter.
Nelsen has an eye for his teammates.Markey with a hard attack against Newman, but the referee seems to be blind like a bat.
Pass from Raven.That was a close thing on the left post. A miss is as good as a mile.
Wide cross from Newman.The ball has landed at the opponent.
Nice cross from Nelsen.Through pass to Newman, the defense let him go. he's shooting.What a brilliant kick by Newman, %s takes it straight into the GOAL!
Woodthorpe knows how to include himself well.That was a close thing on the left post. A miss is as good as a mile.
Wiles accepts the duel with Watt.That is a good chance for Wiles.this could get dangerous...but the precision was missing.
Hinshelwood gets in Beattie way.Beattie has an eye for his teammates.Fairly cleared by Markey and Newman is going to perform the corner .Markey pushes Newman lightly away from the ball, but it didn't get past the referee.Nelsen will perform the free kick.Great shot from a great distance by Nelsen.Nelsen is going up, pushing the ball with his head across the grain of Gutta into the distance corner. GOOOAAALLLL!
Wide cross from Woodthorpe.But Newman looses against Markey.
Nice cross from Nelsen.Markey can clear for a corner and Newman puts the ball at the corner flag.Markey can't get by Newman in a fair way.Newman snatches the ball and is going to perform the free kick.Gutta was defeated, but the ball returns from the post. Newman gets the ball, he is shooting... Goal!!!
Kafni blocks Arber and tries to stop him.Pass from Woodthorpe.Newman is happy, he's going to perform the corner after Markey was able to clear it.Markey pushes Newman lightly away from the ball, but it didn't get past the referee.How it's looking Woodthorpe is going to perform the free kick.Fairly cleared by Morrison and Beattie is going to perform the corner .And out of nowhere pops out Newman.Markey can clear for a corner and Nelsen puts the ball at the corner flag.Markey goes against Newman, but there was no need to whistle.How it's looking Newman is going to perform the free kick.The ball has landed at the opponent.
Halftime. Already voted today?
Nice cross from Newman.Markey with a hard attack against Newman, but the referee seems to be blind like a bat.
Hinshelwood gets in Beattie way.Newman has an eye for his teammates.That is a good chance for Beattie.Markey pushes Beattie lightly away from the ball, but it didn't get past the referee.How it's looking Newman is going to perform the free kick.But this ball was surely for the ball boy.
Tough duel between Wiles and Bullard.But Beattie is cleanly stopped by Morrison.
Pass from Newman....fair and elegant how Markey steals the ball off Newman.
Wiles has an eye for his teammates.Hinshelwood pushes Nelsen lightly away from the ball, but it didn't get past the referee.How it's looking Newman is going to perform the free kick.Through pass to Newman, the defense let him go. he's shooting.Newman is happy, he's going to perform the corner after Ireland was able to clear it.Markey pushes Newman lightly away from the ball, but it didn't get past the referee.How it's looking Newman is going to perform the free kick.That was a close thing on the right post.
Raven has an eye for his teammates.The ball has landed at the opponent.
Kafni blocks Arber and tries to stop him.And out of nowhere pops out Arber.Markey can clear for a corner and Newman puts the ball at the corner flag.Markey pushes Newman lightly away from the ball, but it didn't get past the referee.Beattie snatches the ball and is going to perform the free kick.Newman is happy, he's going to perform the corner after Markey was able to clear it.But this ball was surely for the ball boy.
Wiles accepts the duel with Watt.Wide cross from Newman.Newman is happy, he's going to perform the corner after Markey was able to clear it.Markey goes against Newman, but there was no need to whistle.How it's looking Beattie is going to perform the free kick.But this ball was surely for the ball boy.
Nelsen has an eye for his teammates.That was a close thing on the right post.
Woodthorpe has an eye for his teammates.Newman knows how to include himself well.But this ball was surely for the ball boy.
McKinley can push through the penalty area and gets into shooting position.The ball has landed at the opponent.
Pass from Newman.Ireland goes against Newman, but there was no need to whistle.How it's looking Beattie is going to perform the free kick.this could get dangerous...but the precision was missing.
Arber can push through the penalty area and gets into shooting position.Woodthorpe is happy, he's going to perform the corner after Evans was able to clear it.Through pass to Newman, the defense let him go. he's shooting.Gutta was defeated, but the ball returns from the post. Newman gets the ball, he is shooting... Goal!!!
Hello and welcome to the Sports arena of the host FT Gern München, 434 viewers wouldn't want to miss the game between FT Gern München and Newcastle FC.
01. Newcastle FC ---- Sportfreunde Waldshut
02. Liverp0ol FC ------ LaHonda
03. Hrvatska4ever-----Hrvatska4ever
04. LazKopat -61- ----Smogcasanovers
05. Schalke 04 --------- Besiktas -58-
06. Football Club Gartenstadt------bayernfan94
08. SC Kickers 09 ------ SC Kickers 09
09. United Haverhill --- Grün Weiß Lichtenstein
10. German Fighting Crew ------- Sportfreunde Sinalco
11. Fc inter sibiu------ Fc inter sibiu
12. FC Deutschland------barcelona united fútbol
13. Möpp Möpp aka Töff x3----------xD Chiller xD/Chiller City
14. FC Cool -------- SG WAT 09
15. Frontline Fighters -------- Blau-Weiß Anrath
16. Mersyside Predators Wallstadt --------- Seleccion Espana
17. Oxford ----- TSV Viernheim
18. TuS.Koblenz -------- 1.FC ANDY 1994
19. FT Gern München ------ FT Gern
20. Schalke (niklas17) --------- FC Hambug 04 (niklas16)
21. FSV Schwaigern------------- FSV Schwaigern 2 ( gomez2 )
England Simulationsliga:
----------Mannschaft ---------Liga
1. Newcastle FC --------Football League One [ ORGA ]
2. FT Gern München --------- Conference National
3. FC Deutschland------ Football League Two [ ORGA ]
4. Football Club Gartenstadt----- Conference National
5. United Haverhill-----Football league Two
6. Hrvatska4ever ----- Conference National
7. Schalke 04 ------- Conference National
8. Schalke -------- Premier League
9. German Fighting Crew ---------- Conference National
10. Themse Kickers----Premiere League
11. Liverp0ol FC ----- Conference National
12. FSV Schwaigern 2--------- Conference National
Wir spielen normal also jeder gegen jeden, also eine Liga,noch dazu ein Pokal !
01. Newcastle FC ---- Sportfreunde Waldshut
02. Liverp0ol FC ------ LaHonda
03. Hrvatska4ever-----Hrvatska4ever
04. LazKopat -61- ----Smogcasanovers
05. Schalke 04 --------- Besiktas -58-
06. Football Club Gartenstadt------bayernfan94
08. SC Kickers 09 ------ SC Kickers 09
09. United Haverhill --- Grün Weiß Lichtenstein
10. German Fighting Crew ------- Sportfreunde Sinalco
11. Fc inter sibiu------ Fc inter sibiu
12. FC Deutschland------barcelona united fútbol
13. Möpp Möpp aka Töff x3----------xD Chiller xD/Chiller City
14. FC Cool -------- SG WAT 09
15. Frontline Fighters -------- Blau-Weiß Anrath
16. Mersyside Predators Wallstadt --------- Seleccion Espana
17. Oxford ----- TSV Viernheim
18. TuS.Koblenz -------- 1.FC ANDY 1994
19. FT Gern München ------ FT Gern
20. Schalke (niklas17) --------- FC Hambug 04 (niklas16)
21. FSV Schwaigern------------- FSV Schwaigern 2 ( gomez2 )
22.London-Berlin-Friendship------BTC (Betterthisone)
England Simulationsliga:
----------Mannschaft ---------Liga
1. Newcastle FC --------Football League One [ ORGA ]
2. FT Gern München --------- Conference National
3. FC Deutschland------ Football League Two [ ORGA ]
4. Football Club Gartenstadt----- Conference National
5. United Haverhill-----Football league Two
6. Hrvatska4ever ----- Conference National
7. Schalke 04 ------- Conference National
8. Schalke -------- Premier League
9. German Fighting Crew ---------- Conference National
10. Themse Kickers----Premiere League
11. Liverp0ol FC ----- Conference National
12. FSV Schwaigern 2--------- Conference National
Wir spielen normal also jeder gegen jeden, also eine Liga,noch dazu ein Pokal !
01. Newcastle FC ---- Sportfreunde Waldshut
02. Liverp0ol FC ------ LaHonda
03. Hrvatska4ever-----Hrvatska4ever
04. LazKopat -61- ----Smogcasanovers
05. Schalke 04 --------- Besiktas -58-
06. Football Club Gartenstadt------bayernfan94
08. SC Kickers 09 ------ SC Kickers 09
09. United Haverhill --- Grün Weiß Lichtenstein
10. German Fighting Crew ------- Sportfreunde Sinalco
11. Fc inter sibiu------ Fc inter sibiu
12. FC Deutschland------barcelona united fútbol
13. Möpp Möpp aka Töff x3----------xD Chiller xD/Chiller City
14. FC Cool -------- SG WAT 09
15. Frontline Fighters -------- Blau-Weiß Anrath
16. Mersyside Predators Wallstadt --------- Seleccion Espana
17. Oxford ----- TSV Viernheim
18. TuS.Koblenz -------- 1.FC ANDY 1994
19. FT Gern München ------ FT Gern
20. Schalke (niklas17) --------- FC Hambug 04 (niklas16)
21. FSV Schwaigern------------- FSV Schwaigern 2 ( gomez2 )
22.London-Berlin-Friendship------BTC (Betterthisone)
England Simulationsliga:
----------Mannschaft ---------Liga
1. Newcastle FC --------Football League One [ ORGA ]
2. FT Gern München --------- Conference National
3. FC Deutschland------ Football League Two [ ORGA ]
4. Football Club Gartenstadt----- Conference National
5. United Haverhill-----Football league Two
6. Hrvatska4ever ----- Conference National
7. Schalke 04 ------- Conference National
8. Schalke -------- Premier League
9. German Fighting Crew ---------- Conference National
10. Themse Kickers----Premiere League
11. Liverp0ol FC ----- Conference National
12. FSV Schwaigern 2--------- Conference National
13.London-Berlin-Friendship------Conference National
Wir spielen normal also jeder gegen jeden, also eine Liga,noch dazu ein Pokal !
01. Newcastle FC ---- Sportfreunde Waldshut
02. Liverp0ol FC ------ LaHonda
03. Hrvatska4ever-----Hrvatska4ever
04. LazKopat -61- ----Smogcasanovers
05. Schalke 04 --------- Besiktas -58-
06. Football Club Gartenstadt------bayernfan94
08. SC Kickers 09 ------ SC Kickers 09
09. United Haverhill --- Grün Weiß Lichtenstein
10. German Fighting Crew ------- Sportfreunde Sinalco
11. Fc inter sibiu------ Fc inter sibiu
12. FC Deutschland------barcelona united fútbol
13. Möpp Möpp aka Töff x3----------xD Chiller xD/Chiller City
14. FC Cool -------- SG WAT 09
15. Frontline Fighters -------- Blau-Weiß Anrath
16. Mersyside Predators Wallstadt --------- Seleccion Espana
17. Oxford ----- TSV Viernheim
18. TuS.Koblenz -------- 1.FC ANDY 1994
19. FT Gern München ------ FT Gern
20. Schalke (niklas17) --------- FC Hambug 04 (niklas16)
21. FSV Schwaigern------------- FSV Schwaigern 2 ( gomez2 )
22.London-Berlin-Friendship------BTC (Betterthisone)
England Simulationsliga:
----------Mannschaft ---------Liga
1. Newcastle FC --------Football League One [ ORGA ]
2. FT Gern München --------- Conference National
3. FC Deutschland------ Football League Two [ ORGA ]
4. Football Club Gartenstadt----- Conference National
5. United Haverhill-----Football league Two
6. Hrvatska4ever ----- Conference National
7. Schalke 04 ------- Conference National
8. Schalke -------- Premier League
9. German Fighting Crew ---------- Conference National
10. Themse Kickers----Premiere League
11. Liverp0ol FC ----- Conference National
12. FSV Schwaigern 2--------- Conference National
Wir spielen normal also jeder gegen jeden, also eine Liga,noch dazu ein Pokal !
01. Newcastle FC ---- Sportfreunde Waldshut
02. Liverp0ol FC ------ LaHonda
03. Hrvatska4ever-----Hrvatska4ever
04. LazKopat -61- ----Smogcasanovers
05. Schalke 04 --------- Besiktas -58-
06. Football Club Gartenstadt------bayernfan94
08. SC Kickers 09 ------ SC Kickers 09
09. United Haverhill --- Grün Weiß Lichtenstein
10. German Fighting Crew ------- Sportfreunde Sinalco
11. Fc inter sibiu------ Fc inter sibiu
12. FC Deutschland------barcelona united fútbol
13. Möpp Möpp aka Töff x3----------xD Chiller xD/Chiller City
14. FC Cool -------- SG WAT 09
15. Frontline Fighters -------- Blau-Weiß Anrath
16. Mersyside Predators Wallstadt --------- Seleccion Espana
17. Oxford ----- TSV Viernheim
18. TuS.Koblenz -------- 1.FC ANDY 1994
19. FT Gern München ------ FT Gern
20. Schalke (niklas17) --------- FC Hambug 04 (niklas16)
21. FSV Schwaigern------------- FSV Schwaigern 2 ( gomez2 )
22.London-Berlin-Friendship------BTC (Betterthisone)
England Simulationsliga:
----------Mannschaft ---------Liga
1. Newcastle FC --------Football League One [ ORGA ]
2. FT Gern München --------- Conference National
3. FC Deutschland------ Football League Two [ ORGA ]
4. Football Club Gartenstadt----- Conference National
5. United Haverhill-----Football league Two
6. Hrvatska4ever ----- Conference National
7. Schalke 04 ------- Conference National
8. Schalke -------- Premier League
9. German Fighting Crew ---------- Conference National
10. Themse Kickers----Premiere League
11. Liverp0ol FC ----- Conference National
12. FSV Schwaigern 2--------- Conference National
13.London-Berlin-Friendship------Conference National
Wir spielen normal also jeder gegen jeden, also eine Liga,noch dazu ein Pokal !
01. Newcastle FC ---- Sportfreunde Waldshut
02. Liverp0ol FC ------ LaHonda
03. Hrvatska4ever-----Hrvatska4ever
04. LazKopat -61- ----Smogcasanovers
05. Schalke 04 --------- Besiktas -58-
06. Football Club Gartenstadt------bayernfan94
08. SC Kickers 09 ------ SC Kickers 09
09. United Haverhill --- Grün Weiß Lichtenstein
10. German Fighting Crew ------- Sportfreunde Sinalco
11. Fc inter sibiu------ Fc inter sibiu
12. FC Deutschland------barcelona united fútbol
13. Möpp Möpp aka Töff x3----------xD Chiller xD/Chiller City
14. FC Cool -------- SG WAT 09
15. Frontline Fighters -------- Blau-Weiß Anrath
16. Mersyside Predators Wallstadt --------- Seleccion Espana
17. Oxford ----- TSV Viernheim
18. TuS.Koblenz -------- 1.FC ANDY 1994
19. FT Gern München ------ FT Gern
20. Schalke (niklas17) --------- FC Hambug 04 (niklas16)
21. FSV Schwaigern------------- FSV Schwaigern 2 ( gomez2 )
22.London-Berlin-Friendship------BTC (Betterthisone)
England Simulationsliga:
----------Mannschaft ---------Liga
1. Newcastle FC --------Football League One [ ORGA ]
2. FT Gern München --------- Conference National
3. FC Deutschland------ Football League Two [ ORGA ]
4. Football Club Gartenstadt----- Conference National
5. United Haverhill-----Football league Two
6. Hrvatska4ever ----- Conference National
7. Schalke 04 ------- Conference National
8. Schalke -------- Premier League
9. German Fighting Crew ---------- Conference National
10. Themse Kickers----Premiere League
11. Liverp0ol FC ----- Conference National
12. FSV Schwaigern 2--------- Conference National
13.London-Berlin-Friendship------Conference National
Wir spielen normal also jeder gegen jeden, also eine Liga,noch dazu ein Pokal !
01. Newcastle FC ---- Sportfreunde Waldshut
02. Liverp0ol FC ------ LaHonda
03. Hrvatska4ever-----Hrvatska4ever
04. LazKopat -61- ----Smogcasanovers
05. Schalke 04 --------- Besiktas -58-
06. Football Club Gartenstadt------bayernfan94
08. SC Kickers 09 ------ SC Kickers 09
09. United Haverhill --- Grün Weiß Lichtenstein
10. German Fighting Crew ------- Sportfreunde Sinalco
11. Fc inter sibiu------ Fc inter sibiu
12. FC Deutschland------barcelona united fútbol
13. Möpp Möpp aka Töff x3----------xD Chiller xD/Chiller City
14. FC Cool -------- SG WAT 09
15. Frontline Fighters -------- Blau-Weiß Anrath
16. Mersyside Predators Wallstadt --------- Seleccion Espana
17. Oxford ----- TSV Viernheim
18. TuS.Koblenz -------- 1.FC ANDY 1994
19. FT Gern München ------ FT Gern
20. Schalke (niklas17) --------- FC Hambug 04 (niklas16)
21. FSV Schwaigern------------- FSV Schwaigern 2 ( gomez2 )
22.London-Berlin-Friendship------BTC (Betterthisone)
England Simulationsliga:
----------Mannschaft ---------Liga
1. Newcastle FC --------Football League One [ ORGA ]
2. FT Gern München --------- Conference National
3. FC Deutschland------ Football League Two [ ORGA ]
4. Football Club Gartenstadt----- Conference National
5. United Haverhill-----Football league Two
6. Hrvatska4ever ----- Conference National
7. Schalke 04 ------- Conference National
8. Schalke -------- Premier League
9. German Fighting Crew ---------- Conference National
10. Themse Kickers----Premiere League
11. Liverp0ol FC ----- Conference National
12. FSV Schwaigern 2--------- Conference National
13.London-Berlin-Friendship------Football League One
Wir spielen normal also jeder gegen jeden, also eine Liga,noch dazu ein Pokal !
Moin Leutz,
Hab nun auch ein Team in England
Teamname: Kickers Hamburg 1996
Hoffe ihr könnt mich ein wenig unterstützen vielleicht könnt ihr mir ja ein paar FS einladungen schicken und billig spieler verkaufen
Gruß MarcusBerg