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    ich habe bald mündliche prüfung in englisch und muss einen text über arnold schwarzenegger vortragen!!
    wäre echt supper, wenn mir dieser jemand über satzbau und fehler kontrollieren könnte!!
    (groß und kleinschreibung spielt dabei keine rolle)
    wär echt suuper, danke!!!


    In my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger. Firstly about his Basic facts, secondly about his career as a bodybuilder, actor and governor.

    Now I will start with the part of his Basic facts.
    Arnold Schwarzenegger was burned in steiermark in 30th of July, 1947. His secondly name is Alois. Arnold Schwarzenegger was grown up with his brother in a strict house with their parents. Schwarzenegger visited an Elementary school from 1953, before he changed to a Secondary modern school in 1957. To the USA he emigrates eleven years later as a housing salesman and so he earned millions. Three years later his brother died because of a car accident. A University visited Schwarzenegger in the year 1973, to study Management economics. Six years later he was international coach from the Weight jacks. The republican Arnold Schwarzenegger married the Niece from John F. Kennedy on 26th April 1986, and now he have four children with her.

    Now I want to tell you something about his career as a bodybuilder. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a very successful bodybuilder from 1962 till 1985, how can you see at the poster. The way to his career began, as he played with six years in a football club. He was in a fitness studio First time, as he was 15 years old, because his coach means that all the football players should train their muscles for one hour per week. Already soon he stopped football playing, as he was regularly in the fitness studio. Till the age of 18 he had some tournaments in pulling the weights.
    In this time he became the title of the junior state master. After he won some of tournaments he was with 20 years the youngest Mister universe. In 1968 he won his second Mr. universe Title. After a good career as a bodybuilder finished Schwarzenegger his career in 1985, because the Film business. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the most successful bodybuilder in his time, with 7 Mr Olympia, and 5 Mr Universe Titles.

    After his career as a bodybuilder he was actively as an actor from 1970 till 2002, how can you see at this place on the poster! Schwarzenegger was since his childhood interested in Hero Films. Early he would like to be an actor. His first employment as an actor was in 1970 in the film Hercules as the Hercules. After very much famous films was Arnold Schwarzenegger after 1980 one of the most usually earning actors in Hollywood. His accent
    is meanwhile very famous. The last film with Arnold Schwarzenegger was called “Terminatot3”. After this film he ends his career as an actor in September 2002. Arnold Schwarzenegger produced in his career as an actor 44 cinema and TV films. In addition he got 16 honours in this time. This was the story from the 32 years career as an actor.

    Of the end of my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger as a governor. At the 7th august 2003 said Arnold Schwarzenegger that he would to have the position of the governor from California. 2 months later he won the choice with more than 48 percent. One month after that he was be the 38. Governor from the US Federal State California. As an ex actor he know, how clever he must be in front of the public. Schwarzenegger is very interested in climatic and new energies
    Thank you for listening. .

    Terminatot3”. --> Terminator mit r oder xD


      Zitat von soccer/pro Beitrag anzeigen

      was burned in steiermark in 30th of July, 1947.. .

      wurde der in steiermark verbrannt oder geboren?
      du hast nämlich verbrannt geschrieben.
      es soll glaub ich so heissen : was born oder was borned das weiss ich nicht so genau bin auch kein ass in englisch.^^


        Zitat von kuhni90 Beitrag anzeigen
        wurde der in steiermark verbrannt oder geboren?
        du hast nämlich verbrannt geschrieben.
        es soll glaub ich so heissen : was born oder was borned das weiss ich nicht so genau bin auch kein ass in englisch.^^
        es heißt was born oder borned aber nicht was borned weil das wäre doppelte vergangenheit


          es gibt doch sowas wie plusquamperfekt und der scheiss dachte es wäre sowas in der richtung aber du wirst wohl recht haben


            ich weiß nt 100% frage gleich mal meinen vater der ist engländer^^


              Zitat von soccer/pro Beitrag anzeigen
              ich habe bald mündliche prüfung in englisch und muss einen text über arnold schwarzenegger vortragen!!
              wäre echt supper, wenn mir dieser jemand über satzbau und fehler kontrollieren könnte!!
              (groß und kleinschreibung spielt dabei keine rolle)
              wär echt suuper, danke!!!


              In my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger. Firstly about his Basic facts, secondly about his career as a bodybuilder, actor and governor.

              Now I will start with the part of his Basic facts.
              Arnold Schwarzenegger was burned in steiermark in 30th of July, 1947. His secondly name is Alois. Arnold Schwarzenegger was grown up with his brother in a strict house with their parents. Schwarzenegger visited an Elementary school from 1953, before he changed to a Secondary modern school in 1957. To the USA he emigrates eleven years later as a housing salesman and so he earned millions. Three years later his brother died because of a car accident. A University visited Schwarzenegger in the year 1973, to study Management economics. Six years later he was international coach from the Weight jacks. The republican Arnold Schwarzenegger married the Niece from John F. Kennedy on 26th April 1986, and now he have four children with her.

              Now I want to tell you something about his career as a bodybuilder. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a very successful bodybuilder from 1962 till 1985, how can you see at the poster. The way to his career began, as he played with six years in a football club. He was in a fitness studio First time, as he was 15 years old, because his coach means that all the football players should train their muscles for one hour per week. Already soon he stopped football playing, as he was regularly in the fitness studio. Till the age of 18 he had some tournaments in pulling the weights.
              In this time he became the title of the junior state master. After he won some of tournaments he was with 20 years the youngest Mister universe. In 1968 he won his second Mr. universe Title. After a good career as a bodybuilder finished Schwarzenegger his career in 1985, because the Film business. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the most successful bodybuilder in his time, with 7 Mr Olympia, and 5 Mr Universe Titles.

              After his career as a bodybuilder he was actively as an actor from 1970 till 2002, how can you see at this place on the poster! Schwarzenegger was since his childhood interested in Hero Films. Early he would like to be an actor. His first employment as an actor was in 1970 in the film Hercules as the Hercules. After very much famous films was Arnold Schwarzenegger after 1980 one of the most usually earning actors in Hollywood. His accent
              is meanwhile very famous. The last film with Arnold Schwarzenegger was called “Terminatot3”. After this film he ends his career as an actor in September 2002. Arnold Schwarzenegger produced in his career as an actor 44 cinema and TV films. In addition he got 16 honours in this time. This was the story from the 32 years career as an actor.

              Of the end of my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger as a governor. At the 7th august 2003 said Arnold Schwarzenegger that he would to have the position of the governor from California. 2 months later he won the choice with more than 48 percent. One month after that he was be the 38. Governor from the US Federal State California. As an ex actor he know, how clever he must be in front of the public. Schwarzenegger is very interested in climatic and new energies
              Thank you for listening. .
              dass heisst astalawista baby!!!!


                Zitat von soccer/pro Beitrag anzeigen
                ich habe bald mündliche prüfung in englisch und muss einen text über arnold schwarzenegger vortragen!!
                wäre echt supper, wenn mir dieser jemand über satzbau und fehler kontrollieren könnte!!
                (groß und kleinschreibung spielt dabei keine rolle)
                wär echt suuper, danke!!!


                In my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger. Firstly about his Basic facts, secondly about his career as a bodybuilder, actor and governor.

                Now I will start with the part of his Basic facts.
                Arnold Schwarzenegger was burned in steiermark in 30th of July, 1947. His secondly name is Alois. Arnold Schwarzenegger was grown up with his brother in a strict house with their parents. Schwarzenegger visited an Elementary school from 1953, before he changed to a Secondary modern school in 1957. To the USA he emigrates eleven years later as a housing salesman and so he earned millions. Three years later his brother died because of a car accident. A University visited Schwarzenegger in the year 1973, to study Management economics. Six years later he was international coach from the Weight jacks. The republican Arnold Schwarzenegger married the Niece from John F. Kennedy on 26th April 1986, and now he have four children with her.

                Now I want to tell you something about his career as a bodybuilder. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a very successful bodybuilder from 1962 till 1985, how can you see at the poster. The way to his career began, as he played with six years in a football club. He was in a fitness studio First time, as he was 15 years old, because his coach means that all the football players should train their muscles for one hour per week. Already soon he stopped football playing, as he was regularly in the fitness studio. Till the age of 18 he had some tournaments in pulling the weights.
                In this time he became the title of the junior state master. After he won some of tournaments he was with 20 years the youngest Mister universe. In 1968 he won his second Mr. universe Title. After a good career as a bodybuilder finished Schwarzenegger his career in 1985, because the Film business. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the most successful bodybuilder in his time, with 7 Mr Olympia, and 5 Mr Universe Titles.

                After his career as a bodybuilder he was actively as an actor from 1970 till 2002, how can you see at this place on the poster! Schwarzenegger was since his childhood interested in Hero Films. Early he would like to be an actor. His first employment as an actor was in 1970 in the film Hercules as the Hercules. After very much famous films was Arnold Schwarzenegger after 1980 one of the most usually earning actors in Hollywood. His accent
                is meanwhile very famous. The last film with Arnold Schwarzenegger was called “Terminatot3”. After this film he ends his career as an actor in September 2002. Arnold Schwarzenegger produced in his career as an actor 44 cinema and TV films. In addition he got 16 honours in this time. This was the story from the 32 years career as an actor.

                Of the end of my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger as a governor. At the 7th august 2003 said Arnold Schwarzenegger that he would to have the position of the governor from California. 2 months later he won the choice with more than 48 percent. One month after that he was be the 38. Governor from the US Federal State California. As an ex actor he know, how clever he must be in front of the public. Schwarzenegger is very interested in climatic and new energies
                Thank you for listening. .
                ich glaube das heißt:" how you can see"
                denn wenn du sagst how can you see, heißt das wie können sie sehen...
                und wenn du sagst how you can see, heißt das wie sie sehen können
                (bin mir aber net soo sicher, überprüf es lieber nochmal! frag mal dein lehrer)
                und ich glaube das heißt "because of the ....

                und dann eben noch die sachen die die anderen schon erwähnt haben
                Zuletzt geändert von -BMG-; 08.04.2009, 22:57.


                  ok, danke euch allen für die hilfe!!...

                  gruß soccer/pro


                    Wenn du mir einen Tag Zeit gibst, dann berichtige ich deinen Text mal. Die Satzstellung stimmt überhaupt nicht und es heißt zum Beispiel: "as you can see" in dem einen Fall. Nicht how!!!

                    Bei Bedarf melde dich!!!!


                      nicht secondly, sondern secoundly ;-)


                        Das Wort "secoundly" gibt es gar nicht!

                        Bitte bringt den Jungen nicht noch mehr durcheinander!


                          das heißt doch danach, oder?


                            Das heißt "zweitens" - also "secondly"!

                            "secoundly" gibt es überhaupt nicht.

                            Morgen habe ich den Text fertig, habe nämlich heute keine richtige Lust. Hab aber schon über die Hälfte eben korrigiert!

                            Bei Bedarf soll sich der Inhaber des Problems also bei mir melden!


                              Ich würde gern nochmal wissen, was mit "usually earning actors" auf deutsch gemeint sein soll. Ergibt in dem Kontext keinen Sinn für mich!

                              Gewöhnlich verdienend?

                              Ansonsten bin ich fertig mit dem Text. Hab mich doch noch überwunden!


                                vielleicht normal verdienende schauspieler°!


                                  War er ja nicht, sondern einer der sehr gut Verdienenden!

                                  Ich poste jetzt erstmal den Text, möchte aber von "soccer" nochmal wissen, was er mit diesem Satz sagen will (habe ihn extra kursiv geschrieben).

                                  Die fett gedruckten Sachen sind nur Erläuterungen für dich, die du im Nachhinein rauslöschen kannst!

                                  Solltest du noch fragen haben, melde dich einfach bei mir per PN oder hier im Thread!


                                  In my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger. I want to start with some basic facts, before I get on to his career as a bodybuilder, actor and politician.

                                  Let me start with some basic information on him.
                                  Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Styria (Steiermark - ausgesprochen "steiria") July 30th in 1947. His second name is Alois. Arnold Schwarzenegger grew up with his brother in a stringent parental home. Schwarzenegger attended primary school in Thal from 1953 to 1957. Afterwards he changed to a secondary modern school in Graz in 1957. Eleven years later, he emigrated to the USA and became an estate agent and by doing so he earned millions. Three years later his brother died by a car accident. Since 1973 Schwarzenegger studied business administration at several universities and graduated in 1979. In the same year he was committed as international coach for weightlifting. The republican Arnold Schwarzenegger married Maria Shriver - the Niece of John F. Kennedy on April 26th in 1986. Until today he got four children with her.

                                  The next part is about his career as a bodybuilder. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a very successful bodybuilder from 1962 to 1985, as you can see on the poster. His sportive career began when he started playing soccer in a club at the age of ten. He first entered a weightlifting studio at the age of fifteen, because his coach wanted all the soccer players to do strength training one hour a week. Real soon he gave up playing soccer and concentrated on strength training. Up to the age of 18 he took part in some weightlifting tournaments.

                                  In 1965 he became junior staten heavywight champion in weightlifting. At the age of 20 he became the youngest "Mister Universe". In 1968 he won this title yet again. Schwarzenegger broke off his career in 1985 because of the movie industry. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the most successful bodybuilder of its day (seiner Zeit). He won the Mr Olympia titel for seven times and became Mr. Universe for five times.

                                  Already during his career as a bodybuilder he got to know to acting (Schauspielerei) from 1970 till 2002, as you can see on the poster! Schwarzenegger was interested in hero movies from his youth on. Very early he wanted to become an actor. "Hercules" was the first character he ever played in the movie "Hercules in New York". After many successful movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the most usually earning actors in Hollywood. His accent developed to a unique trademark.

                                  The final movie in which Schwarzenegger appeared was called “Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines”. After this movie he abandoned his career as an actor in September 2002. Arnold Schwarzenegger acted in 44 cinema and TV movies in total. In addition he received 16 awards during this time like the Golden Globe and the Bambi.

                                  In the last part of my presentation I want to tell you something about Arnold Schwarzenegger as a politician (governor). He is a member of the Republican Party. On August 7th in 2003 Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy (gab seine Kandidatur bekannt) for the office of the Governor of California.Two months later he carried the election (die Wahl gewinnen) by more than 48 percent and so became the 38. Governor from the U.S. state of California. As a former actor he knew, how to present himself in public. Schwarzenegger is very dedicated (engagiert) to climate protection and alternative energies.

                                  Thank you for your attention!
                                  Zuletzt geändert von KaBe1983; 14.04.2009, 16:29.

