Fcup Football Groupe [FCFG]

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  • Brutus 85
    • 24.06.2010
    • 13
    • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
    • FC Fischkopp
    • >70000

    Zitat von sercan09 Beitrag anzeigen
    ich gehe jetzt off leute bis morgen
    bis morgen....
    sigpic... HANSA ...


    • Brutus 85
      • 24.06.2010
      • 13
      • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
      • FC Fischkopp
      • >70000

      Zitat von Sam I Beitrag anzeigen
      In Niebüll ist die Autoverladung der DB nach Westerland/Sylt

      Handball ist doch was für Warmduscher ,die keinen Regen mögen
      aso.... jetzt bin ich wieder etwas schlauer....

      spielst du denn auch aktiv fussball????
      sigpic... HANSA ...


      • Sam I

        Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
        aso.... jetzt bin ich wieder etwas schlauer....

        spielst du denn auch aktiv fussball????
        Nicht mehr !Habe damals in der Verbandsliga gespielt .Spielst du aktiv ?


        • Brutus 85
          • 24.06.2010
          • 13
          • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
          • FC Fischkopp
          • >70000

          Zitat von Sam I Beitrag anzeigen
          Nicht mehr !Habe damals in der Verbandsliga gespielt .Spielst du aktiv ?
          jo.... spiele aber nur in der Kreisliga....
          sigpic... HANSA ...


          • Brutus 85
            • 24.06.2010
            • 13
            • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
            • FC Fischkopp
            • >70000

            so Sam.... ich werde ....

            wir lesen uns....
            sigpic... HANSA ...


            • Sam I

              Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
              jo.... spiele aber nur in der Kreisliga....
              Aha,hauptsache mann hat Spaß .
              Gehe jetzt off .Wünsche dir noch viel Spaß - Gute Nacht


              • Brutus 85
                • 24.06.2010
                • 13
                • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
                • FC Fischkopp
                • >70000

                guten morgen....

                jemand on?....
                sigpic... HANSA ...


                • PhilderZehner
                  • 18.07.2010
                  • 930
                  • Ph1l1pp
                  • KSG Maulbach
                  • 61.300

                  Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                  guten morgen....

                  jemand on?....

                  moin, joa ich schau wieder mal vorbei


                  • christel1
                    • 03.02.2010
                    • 0
                    • christel1
                    • 1.FC DÖNERle
                    • 60000+

                    Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                    guten morgen....

                    jemand on?....
                    ja ich seit grad
                    mach aber neben her meine eurokom

                    Leute bitte bewertet alle meine Vereinszeitung bzw diesen Artikel vom 16.02.2013 http://fussballcup.de/index.php?w=30...&clubId=653949


                    • PhilderZehner
                      • 18.07.2010
                      • 930
                      • Ph1l1pp
                      • KSG Maulbach
                      • 61.300

                      Zitat von christel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                      ja ich seit grad
                      mach aber neben her meine eurokom
                      was ist denn eurokom??


                      • christel1
                        • 03.02.2010
                        • 0
                        • christel1
                        • 1.FC DÖNERle
                        • 60000+

                        Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                        was ist denn eurokom??
                        ist ein englisch referat in der 10 klasse bei uns wo ich am montag machen muss des macht 1/3 der gesamten englisch note aus

                        Leute bitte bewertet alle meine Vereinszeitung bzw diesen Artikel vom 16.02.2013 http://fussballcup.de/index.php?w=30...&clubId=653949


                        • PhilderZehner
                          • 18.07.2010
                          • 930
                          • Ph1l1pp
                          • KSG Maulbach
                          • 61.300

                          Zitat von christel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                          ist ein englisch referat in der 10 klasse bei uns wo ich am montag machen muss des macht 1/3 der gesamten englisch note aus

                          achso, dann mach das ordentlich moritz:ugly::ugly:


                          • Brutus 85
                            • 24.06.2010
                            • 13
                            • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
                            • FC Fischkopp
                            • >70000

                            Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                            moin, joa ich schau wieder mal vorbei
                            hey grüß dich....

                            alles gut bei dir???

                            was macht deine Serie????
                            sigpic... HANSA ...


                            • 100%Werder

                              Zitat von christel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                              ist ein englisch referat in der 10 klasse bei uns wo ich am montag machen muss des macht 1/3 der gesamten englisch note aus
                              viel Erfolg^^


                              • Brutus 85
                                • 24.06.2010
                                • 13
                                • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
                                • FC Fischkopp
                                • >70000

                                Zitat von christel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                                ist ein englisch referat in der 10 klasse bei uns wo ich am montag machen muss des macht 1/3 der gesamten englisch note aus
                                oh..... na dann viel erfolg.....
                                sigpic... HANSA ...


                                • christel1
                                  • 03.02.2010
                                  • 0
                                  • christel1
                                  • 1.FC DÖNERle
                                  • 60000+

                                  Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                                  achso, dann mach das ordentlich moritz:ugly::ugly:
                                  jo mach ich doch oder besser gesagt ich versuches
                                  Zitat von 100%Werder Beitrag anzeigen
                                  viel Erfolg^^
                                  den werd ich brauchen

                                  Leute bitte bewertet alle meine Vereinszeitung bzw diesen Artikel vom 16.02.2013 http://fussballcup.de/index.php?w=30...&clubId=653949


                                  • PhilderZehner
                                    • 18.07.2010
                                    • 930
                                    • Ph1l1pp
                                    • KSG Maulbach
                                    • 61.300

                                    Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                                    hey grüß dich....

                                    alles gut bei dir???

                                    was macht deine Serie????

                                    ja, mir gehts gut, und dir?

                                    die Serie hält noch 58 Siege nach 58 Spielen, bin jetzt in die Oberliga aufgestiegen, erstes Spiel am 29. und so wies aussieht wird sich die Serie wieder durch die Oberligasaison fortsetzen:ugly:


                                    • christel1
                                      • 03.02.2010
                                      • 0
                                      • christel1
                                      • 1.FC DÖNERle
                                      • 60000+

                                      Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                                      oh..... na dann viel erfolg.....
                                      ja den erfolg den werd ich brauchen

                                      Leute bitte bewertet alle meine Vereinszeitung bzw diesen Artikel vom 16.02.2013 http://fussballcup.de/index.php?w=30...&clubId=653949


                                      • christel1
                                        • 03.02.2010
                                        • 0
                                        • christel1
                                        • 1.FC DÖNERle
                                        • 60000+

                                        Eurocom 2010 Moritz Christ
                                        About Stonehenge

                                        Punkt 1: Stonehenge? What is Stonehenge and where is it
                                        Punkt 2: The Formation/building of Stonehenge
                                        Punkt 3: Others Things about Stonehenge
                                        today I would like to tell you something about the world culture heritage Stonehenge.
                                        If you don’t know Stonehenge, then my first point can help you to understand and
                                        to know what Stonehenge is. The first point in my presentation is about “Stonehenge?
                                        what is Stonehenge and where is it”. Stonehenge is a very big circle. The most incredible
                                        thing about of this circle is that it is build of very big stones. It´s not only one stone
                                        group, there are many different Stone’s. Around the Stonehenge building is a big ditch.
                                        The building is in the country Wiltshire in South England near Amesbury. Stonehenge
                                        was build over 5000 years ago and was used for different things like burial place for
                                        clan leaders and other things.
                                        Now that you know what Stonehenge is, i will explain more about the formation and
                                        the building of Stonehenge”. There are many theories Stonehenge could be build. We
                                        can say that Stonehenge was build in 3 different times. The first phase was around
                                        the year 3100 before Jesus Christ. In the first phase, around Stonehenge was build a big
                                        stone wall and a ditch. The diameter of the stone wall an the ditch was
                                        more than 110 meters. Around the wall and the ditch are 56 holes. Thes holes are named
                                        after their discoverer ... These Amesburyholes show us, that at the time from the first
                                        phase was build an other circle around the stone wall and the ditch. This other circle was
                                        build with logs.
                                        From the second part of the construktion of Stonehenge is nothing left that you can
                                        see today. In the holes around the ditch you can find some bourned bones. The holes from
                                        the first phase were used as a cemetery. In the ditch around Stonehenge
                                        you can find some not burned human bones. There is no explaination why some were burned
                                        and the others not.
                                        The third phase is the longest of these three. This phase you can separate
                                        in different periods. At first in the third phase they build two half-circles of 80 stones.
                                        This epoch was dated in the year 2600 before jesus christ. These stones are not longer there,
                                        but the holes were they stood are still there. Each of these stones weigh 4-6 tons and come
                                        from Wales wich is 380 kilometres away. It is told that an ice age placed the stones at
                                        Stonehenge. Also the 4 stations stones were stood up in the third phase. In the end of the
                                        third century was the main construction period of Stonehenge. In this time 74 sarstones
                                        were build. These stones come from a quarry about 30 km away in the north. And every of
                                        this stones weigh 25-50 tons. Today you can see what is left from this period of Stonehenge.
                                        The surface of there stones was edited. On the surface are some signs like a ax head or a dagger.
                                        So we can say that the stones come from the late bronze epoch.
                                        The third part of my presentation is called "Other Things about Stonehenge".
                                        Stonehenge is a very religious place. In the history Stonehenge was named as the
                                        pre-roman temple of the druids. In the year 1972 was the first "free festival"
                                        at Stonehenge, they celebrated the solstice as an event. In the following years the "free festival"
                                        became a bigger festival. In the year 1984 70,000 people came to Stonehenge. Also there
                                        are many myths and legends about the building Stonehenge. The best legend i think is the
                                        Arthurian legend. This legend says, that the building Stonehenge stood in former times in ireland on the mountain
                                        "Mount Killaurus". It is told that merlin the wizard took it to the place were
                                        you can find it today.
                                        So This was my presentation about the building Stonehenge. i hope you enjoyed it.
                                        are there any questions?

                                        sind aber noch einige fehler drin die hab ich aber schon verbessert aufm blatt

                                        Leute bitte bewertet alle meine Vereinszeitung bzw diesen Artikel vom 16.02.2013 http://fussballcup.de/index.php?w=30...&clubId=653949


                                        • Brutus 85
                                          • 24.06.2010
                                          • 13
                                          • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
                                          • FC Fischkopp
                                          • >70000

                                          Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                                          ja, mir gehts gut, und dir?

                                          die Serie hält noch 58 Siege nach 58 Spielen, bin jetzt in die Oberliga aufgestiegen, erstes Spiel am 29. und so wies aussieht wird sich die Serie wieder durch die Oberligasaison fortsetzen:ugly:
                                          ne hehe.... dann wünsche ich dir viel erfolg..... vielleicht, schaffst es ja die serie zu halten....
                                          sigpic... HANSA ...


                                          • PhilderZehner
                                            • 18.07.2010
                                            • 930
                                            • Ph1l1pp
                                            • KSG Maulbach
                                            • 61.300

                                            Zitat von christel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                                            Eurocom 2010 Moritz Christ
                                            About Stonehenge

                                            Punkt 1: Stonehenge? What is Stonehenge and where is it
                                            Punkt 2: The Formation/building of Stonehenge
                                            Punkt 3: Others Things about Stonehenge
                                            today I would like to tell you something about the world culture heritage Stonehenge.
                                            If you don’t know Stonehenge, then my first point can help you to understand and
                                            to know what Stonehenge is. The first point in my presentation is about “Stonehenge?
                                            what is Stonehenge and where is it”. Stonehenge is a very big circle. The most incredible
                                            thing about of this circle is that it is build of very big stones. It´s not only one stone
                                            group, there are many different Stone’s. Around the Stonehenge building is a big ditch.
                                            The building is in the country Wiltshire in South England near Amesbury. Stonehenge
                                            was build over 5000 years ago and was used for different things like burial place for
                                            clan leaders and other things.
                                            Now that you know what Stonehenge is, i will explain more about the formation and
                                            the building of Stonehenge”. There are many theories Stonehenge could be build. We
                                            can say that Stonehenge was build in 3 different times. The first phase was around
                                            the year 3100 before Jesus Christ. In the first phase, around Stonehenge was build a big
                                            stone wall and a ditch. The diameter of the stone wall an the ditch was
                                            more than 110 meters. Around the wall and the ditch are 56 holes. Thes holes are named
                                            after their discoverer ... These Amesburyholes show us, that at the time from the first
                                            phase was build an other circle around the stone wall and the ditch. This other circle was
                                            build with logs.
                                            From the second part of the construktion of Stonehenge is nothing left that you can
                                            see today. In the holes around the ditch you can find some bourned bones. The holes from
                                            the first phase were used as a cemetery. In the ditch around Stonehenge
                                            you can find some not burned human bones. There is no explaination why some were burned
                                            and the others not.
                                            The third phase is the longest of these three. This phase you can separate
                                            in different periods. At first in the third phase they build two half-circles of 80 stones.
                                            This epoch was dated in the year 2600 before jesus christ. These stones are not longer there,
                                            but the holes were they stood are still there. Each of these stones weigh 4-6 tons and come
                                            from Wales wich is 380 kilometres away. It is told that an ice age placed the stones at
                                            Stonehenge. Also the 4 stations stones were stood up in the third phase. In the end of the
                                            third century was the main construction period of Stonehenge. In this time 74 sarstones
                                            were build. These stones come from a quarry about 30 km away in the north. And every of
                                            this stones weigh 25-50 tons. Today you can see what is left from this period of Stonehenge.
                                            The surface of there stones was edited. On the surface are some signs like a ax head or a dagger.
                                            So we can say that the stones come from the late bronze epoch.
                                            The third part of my presentation is called "Other Things about Stonehenge".
                                            Stonehenge is a very religious place. In the history Stonehenge was named as the
                                            pre-roman temple of the druids. In the year 1972 was the first "free festival"
                                            at Stonehenge, they celebrated the solstice as an event. In the following years the "free festival"
                                            became a bigger festival. In the year 1984 70,000 people came to Stonehenge. Also there
                                            are many myths and legends about the building Stonehenge. The best legend i think is the
                                            Arthurian legend. This legend says, that the building Stonehenge stood in former times in ireland on the mountain
                                            "Mount Killaurus". It is told that merlin the wizard took it to the place were
                                            you can find it today.
                                            So This was my presentation about the building Stonehenge. i hope you enjoyed it.
                                            are there any questions?

                                            sind aber noch einige fehler drin die hab ich aber schon verbessert aufm blatt

                                            nur so auf den ersten Blick, sieht eigentlich gut aus, aber du schreibst imemr where is it, es heißt where it is:p


                                            • Brutus 85
                                              • 24.06.2010
                                              • 13
                                              • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
                                              • FC Fischkopp
                                              • >70000

                                              Zitat von christel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                                              Eurocom 2010 Moritz Christ
                                              About Stonehenge

                                              Punkt 1: Stonehenge? What is Stonehenge and where is it
                                              Punkt 2: The Formation/building of Stonehenge
                                              Punkt 3: Others Things about Stonehenge
                                              today I would like to tell you something about the world culture heritage Stonehenge.
                                              If you don’t know Stonehenge, then my first point can help you to understand and
                                              to know what Stonehenge is. The first point in my presentation is about “Stonehenge?
                                              what is Stonehenge and where is it”. Stonehenge is a very big circle. The most incredible
                                              thing about of this circle is that it is build of very big stones. It´s not only one stone
                                              group, there are many different Stone’s. Around the Stonehenge building is a big ditch.
                                              The building is in the country Wiltshire in South England near Amesbury. Stonehenge
                                              was build over 5000 years ago and was used for different things like burial place for
                                              clan leaders and other things.
                                              Now that you know what Stonehenge is, i will explain more about the formation and
                                              the building of Stonehenge”. There are many theories Stonehenge could be build. We
                                              can say that Stonehenge was build in 3 different times. The first phase was around
                                              the year 3100 before Jesus Christ. In the first phase, around Stonehenge was build a big
                                              stone wall and a ditch. The diameter of the stone wall an the ditch was
                                              more than 110 meters. Around the wall and the ditch are 56 holes. Thes holes are named
                                              after their discoverer ... These Amesburyholes show us, that at the time from the first
                                              phase was build an other circle around the stone wall and the ditch. This other circle was
                                              build with logs.
                                              From the second part of the construktion of Stonehenge is nothing left that you can
                                              see today. In the holes around the ditch you can find some bourned bones. The holes from
                                              the first phase were used as a cemetery. In the ditch around Stonehenge
                                              you can find some not burned human bones. There is no explaination why some were burned
                                              and the others not.
                                              The third phase is the longest of these three. This phase you can separate
                                              in different periods. At first in the third phase they build two half-circles of 80 stones.
                                              This epoch was dated in the year 2600 before jesus christ. These stones are not longer there,
                                              but the holes were they stood are still there. Each of these stones weigh 4-6 tons and come
                                              from Wales wich is 380 kilometres away. It is told that an ice age placed the stones at
                                              Stonehenge. Also the 4 stations stones were stood up in the third phase. In the end of the
                                              third century was the main construction period of Stonehenge. In this time 74 sarstones
                                              were build. These stones come from a quarry about 30 km away in the north. And every of
                                              this stones weigh 25-50 tons. Today you can see what is left from this period of Stonehenge.
                                              The surface of there stones was edited. On the surface are some signs like a ax head or a dagger.
                                              So we can say that the stones come from the late bronze epoch.
                                              The third part of my presentation is called "Other Things about Stonehenge".
                                              Stonehenge is a very religious place. In the history Stonehenge was named as the
                                              pre-roman temple of the druids. In the year 1972 was the first "free festival"
                                              at Stonehenge, they celebrated the solstice as an event. In the following years the "free festival"
                                              became a bigger festival. In the year 1984 70,000 people came to Stonehenge. Also there
                                              are many myths and legends about the building Stonehenge. The best legend i think is the
                                              Arthurian legend. This legend says, that the building Stonehenge stood in former times in ireland on the mountain
                                              "Mount Killaurus". It is told that merlin the wizard took it to the place were
                                              you can find it today.
                                              So This was my presentation about the building Stonehenge. i hope you enjoyed it.
                                              are there any questions?

                                              sind aber noch einige fehler drin die hab ich aber schon verbessert aufm blatt
                                              ah ja..... du machst das schon....
                                              sigpic... HANSA ...


                                              • PhilderZehner
                                                • 18.07.2010
                                                • 930
                                                • Ph1l1pp
                                                • KSG Maulbach
                                                • 61.300

                                                Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                                                ne hehe.... dann wünsche ich dir viel erfolg..... vielleicht, schaffst es ja die serie zu halten....
                                                ja danke ich werds versuchen, aber ich befürchte spätestens in der Regio wird dann Schluss sein


                                                • christel1
                                                  • 03.02.2010
                                                  • 0
                                                  • christel1
                                                  • 1.FC DÖNERle
                                                  • 60000+

                                                  Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                                                  ah ja..... du machst das schon....
                                                  hoiff ich doch mal
                                                  Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                                                  nur so auf den ersten Blick, sieht eigentlich gut aus, aber du schreibst imemr where is it, es heißt where it is:p
                                                  jaja passt scon

                                                  des muss ich auswendig können ^^

                                                  Leute bitte bewertet alle meine Vereinszeitung bzw diesen Artikel vom 16.02.2013 http://fussballcup.de/index.php?w=30...&clubId=653949


                                                  • Brutus 85
                                                    • 24.06.2010
                                                    • 13
                                                    • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
                                                    • FC Fischkopp
                                                    • >70000

                                                    Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                                                    ja danke ich werds versuchen, aber ich befürchte spätestens in der Regio wird dann Schluss sein
                                                    tja.... irgendwann, ist jede serie mal zu ende....
                                                    sigpic... HANSA ...


                                                    • PhilderZehner
                                                      • 18.07.2010
                                                      • 930
                                                      • Ph1l1pp
                                                      • KSG Maulbach
                                                      • 61.300

                                                      Zitat von christel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                                                      hoiff ich doch mal

                                                      jaja passt scon

                                                      des muss ich auswendig können ^^

                                                      jo, ich musste letztens so lachen, einer aus de klasse hatte auch einen en vortrag gehalten, was hat er gemacht, er hat gesagt Clock Inhabitant, alle ham den so ausgelacht er wollte natürlich Natives sagen, die Ureinwohner, aber er hatte einfach in den Google Translator eingegeben und dann auch noch falsch, nähmlich Uhreinwohner also kam Clock Inhabitant dabei raus


                                                      • christel1
                                                        • 03.02.2010
                                                        • 0
                                                        • christel1
                                                        • 1.FC DÖNERle
                                                        • 60000+

                                                        Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                                                        jo, ich musste letztens so lachen, einer aus de klasse hatte auch einen en vortrag gehalten, was hat er gemacht, er hat gesagt Clock Inhabitant, alle ham den so ausgelacht er wollte natürlich Natives sagen, die Ureinwohner, aber er hatte einfach in den Google Translator eingegeben und dann auch noch falsch, nähmlich Uhreinwohner also kam Clock Inhabitant dabei raus

                                                        Leute bitte bewertet alle meine Vereinszeitung bzw diesen Artikel vom 16.02.2013 http://fussballcup.de/index.php?w=30...&clubId=653949


                                                        • PhilderZehner
                                                          • 18.07.2010
                                                          • 930
                                                          • Ph1l1pp
                                                          • KSG Maulbach
                                                          • 61.300

                                                          Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                                                          tja.... irgendwann, ist jede serie mal zu ende....
                                                          ja, das stimmt leider auser für den hier :ugly:



                                                          • Brutus 85
                                                            • 24.06.2010
                                                            • 13
                                                            • Brutus 85 (MGOF)
                                                            • FC Fischkopp
                                                            • >70000

                                                            Zitat von PhilderZehner Beitrag anzeigen
                                                            jo, ich musste letztens so lachen, einer aus de klasse hatte auch einen en vortrag gehalten, was hat er gemacht, er hat gesagt Clock Inhabitant, alle ham den so ausgelacht er wollte natürlich Natives sagen, die Ureinwohner, aber er hatte einfach in den Google Translator eingegeben und dann auch noch falsch, nähmlich Uhreinwohner also kam Clock Inhabitant dabei raus
                                                            habe dir mal was zukommen lassen....
                                                            sigpic... HANSA ...


                                                            • PhilderZehner
                                                              • 18.07.2010
                                                              • 930
                                                              • Ph1l1pp
                                                              • KSG Maulbach
                                                              • 61.300

                                                              Zitat von Brutus 85 Beitrag anzeigen
                                                              habe dir mal was zukommen lassen....
                                                              mit Freude angenommen

