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[Einzelfall] Please I need your help

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    [Einzelfall] Please I need your help


    I am an user from Romanian server. Please excuse my english, i hope you'll understand what i have to say.
    I hope this is the right place to post this, I don't understand german.

    The Romanian server is full of bugs and cheaters. Bugs like suddenly loosing players , loosing money on bildings that disapear in a few days, very poor translation and many others, puls players with many accounts.

    In spite of this problems, the Romanian server is using premium account and other services charging money (200 credits for 5 euro).

    The only moderator has the nick AZD, and is absent all the time. No answers on forum, and no problems solved. Because he is very unprofessional about his job, a lot of cheater took advantage and almoast destroy the gameplay.

    I realy like the game, but now i'm considering of quiting the game or even ask for my money back, that were taken for a buged and unsupported game, that has no one to look after it.

    I hope that you are more professional then the staff from Romania, and u can take measures about what is happening on Romanian server.
    There are a lot of romanian players in my position, that love the game but ar frustrated and fooled by the bad management of the server.

    Yours sincerely player,

    Can u at least tell me with whom should i speak about this? There is no superviser for Romanian server?

    Zuletzt geändert von Bubazack; 18.12.2008, 18:29.

